If you’re a marketer or work in the digital world, chances are you have run into outstream video advertising, on many occasions.

This advertising tactic is characterised by video ads that appear in non-video based editorial content. For example, if you’re reading Dw News, Sawt Asharq news or WTX News, and you come across video ads that appear organically—as if they’re part of the article you’re reading—and they start playing when you scroll over the ad: that’s an outstream unit.

Creating Outstream ad units is the same process as Instream

With traditional instream ads, (ads that play during or before a running video, like YouTube) publishers need to have video content in place first.

This can be very limiting. For one, not every publisher has video content or enough video content that will allow for sophisticated programmatic targeting.

Publishers who have content

Even when publishers have extensive budgets to produce videos, it takes significant resources to consistently produce more and that are diverse enough to attract an larger audience. This has its limitations

Additionally, for publishers that do have their own video content, there are thousands of pages of written content that can be monetised by outstream completely separately from instream video.

More significantly can target a wider plethora of users, increasing on screen time, less intrusive and delivering higher results to brands.

Outstream does not rely on existing video content, making it a more flexible format, creating compatibility with nearly any publisher.

With Karam Media outstream unit, there’s no jarring interruption. The ads blend into the editorial content, auto-playing as the user scrolls through. If the user is intrigued, they can hover on the video, click to play sound, and engage.

User Engagement grows with Video

As the user continues to scroll, the outstream ad is automatically paused. These ads work more in tandem with the content, without being overbearing. This gives the user the opportunity to choose to engage with the ad.

It’s no surprise that eMarketer reported that 77% of agencies and 70% of advertisers prefer outstream ads. Not only that, but Teads sees an 11 second dwell time on video ads, vs Facebook at 1.7 seconds.

Brands are increasingly moving away form social media to outstream ( a service Facebook is incorporating) in order to have less association and placement with Fake news, data breaches, and fraud are a growing part of today’s conversation as platforms, publishers, brands, and technology companies navigate the realm of data and privacy.

The Evolution of the programmatic advertising platform continues in 2020.


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